

Direct method-composite Fillings gdansk

 before /  (Direct method – composite filling) – after

Fillings all-ceramic (onlay) prepared in the laboratory GdanskIndirect method – all-ceramic (onlay) prepared in the laboratory

Fillings are the reconstruction of a tooth tissue that has been damaged by tooth decay. Before the final filling of the cavity, the dentist removes the caries lesion on the tooth and then the defect is thoroughly cleaned and finally filled up.

There are two techniques for fillings cavities :

1) The direct method:  is applied for small and not very extensive decay. The doctor fills the defect with the composite material directly in the tooth.

2) The indirect method: a specially prepared filling/insert that is called inlay/onlay is made in the laboratory. This is definitely the best solution for restoring missing tooth tissues.

The clinic uses inlay/onlay :

  • composite

  • all-ceramic

  • hydrothermal

Inlay is used to fill smaller cavities on the tooth surface but onlay to fill larger cavities over the entire tooth surface.


Composite filling in Poland GdanskComposite filling

The advantages of composite fillings :

  • structurally compatible with the tooth tissues, especially with the enamel.

  • the high resistance to pressure when chewing.

  • the high cosmetic value.

  • durable and resistant to cracking in the case of small and medium cavities.

  • it is not necessary to remove too much of tooth if is applied.

  • composites can be combined or refilled, thus the previous fillings do not need to be removed.

  • the ability to match to the tooth in terms of color – different shades can be chosen.

  • the possibility to fill cavities in both in front and side teeth.

  • sometimes it is applied as a temporary solution, e.g. after root canal treatment.

  • perfectly adapts to the shape and color of the filled tooth.

Filling (inlay) made in the lab Gdansk PolandFilling (inlay) made in the lab

The advantages of inlay / onlay fillings :

  • enables accurate reconstruction of the anatomical shape of the tooth.

  • durable, aesthetic, airtight, abrasion resistant.

  • suitable for the reconstruction of large cavities in the tooth.

  • does not discolor.

  • the alternative to traditional composite filling when performance turns out to be impossible.

  • very accurate rebuild in hard to reach places.

  • significantly strengthens the structure of the tooth.

  • no hypersensitivity.

  • the reconstructed tooth is no different from the rest of the natural teeth.

  • can serve you for a very long period of time.

composite fillings are used in both in front and side teeth and inlays/onlays are used mainly in side teeth.

1. What is the average life of fillings ?

The average life of composite filling : 5-7 years, the while average life of inlay / onlay : 10-30 years.

2. What affects the life of fillings ?

Primarily, proper oral hygiene, correct occlusion, the force of chewing food, type of eaten food. Regular follow-up visits recommended by your doctor are very important.

3. What are the contraindications ?

Contraindications for composite fillings :

  • bruxism
  • deep caries
  • identified allergic reactions
  • lack of motivation of the patient to maintain of oral hygiene


Contraindications for inlay / onlay :

  • the restriction are very extensive cavities, which can be reconstructed only with a prosthetic crown
  • such fillings are not generally performed in canines and incisors

4. Why shouldn’t be the treatment of cavities delayed?

Untreated caries (cavity) can damage the tooth and nerves in the middle and this can lead to abscess formation – the area of infection at the apex of the root. The abscess can only be treated by root canal treatment, surgery or tooth extraction.

5. How to detect cavities in teeth ?

The best way are regular check-ups. Only a doctor can tell you that you have carious lesions because they often develop below the tooth surface. It is difficult to see with the naked eye. Everyone is exposed to cavities regardless of an age.

The average life of composite filling


proper oral hygiene proper oral hygiene

Contraindications for inlay / onlay contraindications

Untreated caries - infected tooth

regular check-ups, dental treatment Poland Gdansk


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The personal information that you submit while running this service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) shall be processed by Michal Daczuk, running his business activity under the company Fly Med Michal Daczuk with its registered office in Gdansk (80-386) at 3b Leborska Street, tax identification no.: 5842579776, company identification no.: 363854293, who shall act as data controller within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29th August 1997 (unified text: Journal of Laws from 2014, item 1182 as amended) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

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Date of last revision 1st March 2018
